Certification Tests
We are a PI-approved Test Lab (PITL) for PROFINET products and offer testing according to the applicable Test Specification and Test Case documents (available here). Test time and scope varies between 1-5 days, depending on the test and device.
Pre-Certification Testing
Not ready to certify a product right off the bat? We can help you with that, too. A lot of the published test tools for PROFINET require an expert to interpret the results, and we’re always available if you need a second opinion on your development project.
Applying for a Test
You can apply for a PROFINET test by filling out and submitting a test application, available on our Forms and Applications page. Once you’ve completed and submitted your application, along with your PO to cover the cost of testing, to [email protected], one of our test lab coordinators can work to schedule a test date with you.
If you’d like to inquire about the current lead time on a particular testing service, please send us an email or give us a call at +1 (423) 262-2576.