Forms and Applications
Everything you need to submit your device for PROFINET Testing
PROFINET Device Test Contract |
Date: 08/08/2024 |
PROFINET Device Test Contract with attached fee schedule. Outlines required supporting documentation. |
Version: 24.08.08 |
PROFINET Product Testing and Certification Guide |
Date: 03/01/2021 |
Most customers have a few questions about PROFINET product testing and certification - before, during and after the test. This guide should answer most questions. If we've missed something here and you have more questions about certification, please contact us directly at [email protected] |
Version: 21.03.01 |
PROFINET On-Site Certification Declaration |
Date: 01/08/2015 |
We can perform certification tests outside the test lab, but only under very specific circumstances. This is the form you should fill out and submit if you require an on-site PROFINET Certification test. |
Version: 15.01.08 |
PROFINET Variant Device Declaration of Equivalence |
Date: 10/21/2015 |
When applying to a PI Test Lab for PROFINET compliance certification, manufacturers may have some variants of the device under test that could be certified at the same time. These variant devices with only a few distinguishing characteristics may be tested at the customer’s lab. The Test Lab may take tests results from the customer to satisfy the test requirements of these variants or may require a Declaration of Equivalence in lieu of test results for variants with identical interface, port, and application characteristics. |
Version: 15.10.21 |